Te Totara Primary School - Growing and Learning Together

Our Library

Our Library Manager is Michelle Simms
Email: librarian@tetotara.school.nz
Phone: 853 0039 x857

Our Library Assistant is Esther Rorimpandey

Email: estherr@tetotara.school.nz

Our library has its own Facebook page. The aim of the page is to provide the school community with reviews about books and apps that our students might like, and to keep them informed about library events and activities.

General Information

Our library opened in the second term of 2008 with 1,300 books. We have added over 9,000 new books and will continue to expand our collection of fiction and non-fiction books.  Our fiction collection includes graphic novels and sophisticated picture books (picture books for older students)

Each class visits the library every week.  It is also available to students every lunchtime.  The library is also open to families every morning during term time, from 8.15am - 9.00am.  We lend to parents/caregivers and you are welcome to borrow books for your preschoolers.

Students are encouraged to recommend books they would like the library to purchase by using our suggestion book.


  • Year 0-1 classes can borrow up to two books at a time.
  • Year 2-6 classes can borrow up to three books at a time.
  • Student librarians, shelf monitors and members of the book club can borrow up to four books at a time.
  • Books are issued for two weeks
  • The borrower is responsible for any material borrowed in their name and will be expected to pay the replacement cost of lost or intentionally damaged books

Overdue Books

Our overdues procedure is as follows:

  • 1-2 weeks overdue - reminder notice given to class teacher
  • 2-3 weeks overdue - reminder notice given to class teacher with "final warning" on it
  • 3-4 weeks overdue - email sent to parents
  • 5-6 weeks overdue - invoice sent to parents
  • Students are suspended from borrowing until overdue books are returned (or they are paid for if the book(s) cannot be found)


  • Students may reserve any books that are currently issued by other students.
  • Reserved books are placed on the reserves shelf when the book becomes available and the book is kept aside for one week.

Student Librarians

  • Year 5 students can apply to become shelf monitors.  They help Mrs Rorimpandey keep the shelves tidy at lunchtimes and work towards gaining their bronze merit badge.
  • Responsible Year 6 students can apply to become student librarians.  Preference is given to those students who worked as shelf monitors in Year 5.  Student librarians assist Mrs Rorimpandey at lunchtimes and work towards gaining silver and gold merit badges.

Book Club

  • We have a book club which is open to Year 6 students.  Please see Mrs Simms for more details.

Lit Quiz Group

  • We have a Lit Quiz group which is open to Year 6 students.  Two teams of four are selected to represent Te Totara in the regional heat for the Kids' Lit Quiz.  Please see Mrs Simms for more details.


  • Donations of good quality books are gratefully accepted (subject to our standard book selection criteria).