Out-of-Zone Enrolment Process
Enrolment at our school is governed by an enrolment scheme, please click on the following link for further information. Click the following link for further information: Enrolment Scheme
It is likely that there will be two out-of-zone enrolment periods for the 2025 school year. The FIRST enrolment period has been completed and families have accepted their place.
The SECOND out-of-zone enrolment period runs from 28th June - 17th December, 2025 (last day) and is for New Entrant students whose 5th Birthday falls within this enrolment period only.
Places available:
TBA - for New Entrant students (whose 5th Birthday falls within the above enrolment period)
Further Information will be placed in our school newsletters in February/March 2025 and a Community Notice will be placed in the Hamilton Press on Wednesday 12th March, 2025. Applications close at 9.00am on Friday 11th April, 2025. THIS PROCESS IS NOW UNDERWAY
Note: To comply with the MOE out-of-zone criteria, if your child was offered an OUTZ space for 2025 at Te Totara, they must start school in 2025. School finishes on Wednesday 17th December, 2025
If you wish to submit an out-of-zone enrolment, please complete an OUTZ Enrolment Form (click on the below blue link) and return it to the School Office with the required eligibility documentation:
NZ Birth Certificate/Passport or Citizenship Certificate OR Australian Birth Certificate/Passport or Citizenship Certificate.
If you not a NZ Citizen, please provide evidence of a NZ Resident Visa or Student Visa along with a Birth Certificate and Immunisation Record which clearly shows the date each vaccination was given.
Out-of-Zone Enrolment Form (Click on the link)
It is likely that there will be two out-of-zone enrolment periods for the 2026 school year.
The FIRST out-of-zone enrolment period runs from 18 December, 2025 - 3rd July, 2026 (TBC) and includes New Entrant students whose 5th Birthday falls within this enrolment period only.
The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school's home zone.
Further Information about the timeline will be placed in our school newsletters in July/August 2025 and a Community Notice will be placed in the Hamilton Press. FURTHER DETAILS TO FOLLOW
The SECOND OUTZ enrolment period - Dates TBA
Ministry of Education Order of Priority for OUTZ Enrolment Applications:
Applications from OUTZ students will be processed in the following Ministry of Education order of priority:
a) First Priority must be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in a special programme(s) run by the school and approved by the Secretary of Education*.
* This priority is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Ministry of Education.
b) Second Priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school
c) Third Priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a former student of the school.
d) Fourth Priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
e) Fifth Priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the Board of the school, or a child of a member of the School Board.
f) Sixth Priority must be given to all other applicants.
If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot supervised by a Justice of the Peace, a Practicing Lawyer or a Police Officer in accordance with the Education & Training Act 2020.
If you wish to submit an out-of-zone enrolment, please complete an Enrolment Form (click on the above blue link) and return it to the School Office with the required eligibility documentation:
NZ Birth Certificate/Passport or Citizenship Certificate OR Australian Birth Certificate/Passport or Citizenship Certificate.
If you not a NZ Citizen, please provide evidence of a NZ Resident Visa or Student Visa along with a Birth Certificate and Immunisation Record which clearly shows the date each vaccination was given.
ENROL is a nationwide register of student enrolments. the school updates ENROL as a student enrolls, changes schools or leaves the school system. Vision and Hearing Technicians also use ENROL to enter results of vision and hearing tests into the system.
ENROL Privacy Statement - Ministry of Education